Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Discharge Looks Like Coffee Grinds?

Almost at the end of the refectory patients

In early October there were only the excavation for the foundation, but now works for PREPARING the new dining room for patients in the PCU are very well advanced.

The estimated time provided by the manufacturer provided two months to complete and as mysteriously seems incredibly real!

The hexagonal building has two floors. On the ground floor you will find the dining hall, while the first floor will be used as a dormitory for the children. Already the orphans have to share for the night among more than a building. The new room will give a good airing in the management of beds.

The new building is located exactly in front of the room the staff of the PCU. Thus, for patients, the new dining area will be really a step away from the room. When
meals-per those who can get out of bed-are consumed in an area outside the dining room, near the kitchen.

Here are some photos of work in progress: the first floor brick-like-it is almost comcluso, while the second proceeds briskly.

Today in particular the builders were working on the scale seen thrown right in the picture above.


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