Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Does Flash Memory Mean


At a stone's throw south of Pattaya is the location of Jomtien.

facing the beach, stands out from the first for the presence of a small promontory that divides them. The two towns are growing together in a continuum of houses, many now refer to Jomtien as "the quiet part of Pattaya :-)

The surprising thing is! Despite the relative closeness between the two respective beaches are less than 2 km, the atmosphere is completely different.

First, the sea is much cleaner, water is still crystal clear. The beach which outlines a much larger tract of nearly 6 km long and very wide, allowing tourists to enjoy open spaces, while Pattaya umbrellas are both close to shore, the "beach road" behind it.

here on the road the traffic is very quiet. There are dozens of sawngthaew to walk the road back and forth, but most cars and some motortaxi.

Also, the fact that develops in Jomtien length directly on the seashore, from the idea of \u200b\u200ba country harvest and Meas. From any hotel or restaurant, just across the street to be at sea.

Result: A perfect seaside town, from bland soothing rhythms typical of Thailand.

icing on the cake? Prices!

I was in a resort (consigliatomi by an Italian girl who had gone to visit the center) called Silver Sand, in the northern part of the country.
I asked for a media room: 18 €. However, the level of care was significantly higher than that of many other hotels ... and included a restaurant resort, spa and massage center, two Olympic swimming pools, garden with water features ... a real show!


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