Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where I Find Legendary Pokemon In Pokemondeluge

:-) Visit the Garden of Eden Garden of Eden

Today for the first time since I arrived in Rayong I had the opportunity to visit the center of the garden of Eden .

The occasion is checked when Father Andrew told me that on Sundays, after mass at the center of Rayong, is shifting more and also to the Garden of Eden to exercise the ministry. So I queued.

Since we began around 11 am, just arrived it was lunchtime and we joined the local children, who were already seated at the table when we arrived. After dinner, Father Andrew began to preach the mass, while following the I-site administrator who was guiding me-I proceeded to visit the place.

I was very impressed with the garden and its tranquility. Out in the open country has a way of life far removed from what we are accustomed. In the Western world the viability of the primary requirements is a concept that has simply been erased, eclipsed by the needs of the specialization of tasks and roles in the production. Everywhere globalization is applying the same concept even on a planetary scale ...

... but not here! :-)

The center is a world unto itself , even if not a world in itself closed. Contacts with the outside world are present in different ways and are crucial for the proper functioning of the whole.

During the visit I had the pleasant opportunity to find and Hane Ning: Both patients at the center of Rayong in the early days of volunteering, but moved here later.

including travel we've been away no more than four hours. The tour was brief, but pleasant. :-)


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